Working Premises

#1 Lipids and bioenergetics are inseparable:

Data from Peter Mitchell established the forever scientific marriage between proton bioenergetics and membrane lipids. That is, membrane permeability is an essential feature for establishing ion gradients needed to run ATP synthesis. We take him seriously and strive to explain in biochemical terms membrane lipids' contribution to ecology and health.


#2 Hyducton and bioenergetics are inseparable: 

The term “hyducton” is derived from hydronium ion (H+) conduction inside H-bonded lipid headgroups of energy-transducing membranes. This concept predicts that protons are confined in the microscopic volume of the hyducton and travel at racing speed along the membrane surface via a von Grotthuss electrochemical mechanism. We suggest that without this unique membrane structure (the hyducton), proton bioenergetics would not be possible. The hyducton hypothesis requires a major rethinking of fundamental concepts of proton circulation and a clearer definition of the term bulk phase.






#3 Thermodynamic ecology dictates membrane lipid composition:

All organisms in the biosphere depend on a source or sources of energy for growth, survival and competition with creatures. This is the realm of thermodynamic ecology where Darwinian selection has honed membrane lipids to fit every kind of energy source and lifestyle.



#4 Tripartite lipid code helps explain lipid structure-function in biological membranes

The most famous code for biopolymers is the DNA code defining life itself. According to the tripartite membrane lipid code, life is not possible without the molecular species of lipids fulfilling at least three essential membrane biochemical functions: ion permeability, molecular motion (fluidity) and oxidative stability.